I kickstarted into this project about six months or so ago.
I happen to be acquainted in a small way with the project leader, Oscar Rios, and was very excited to see what he was planning, and so reversed my "never again" policy as far as game kickstarters go.
I'm ambivalent about Kickstarter and it's imitators. Crowd-sourcing is a very oughties touchy-feely-web-2.0-ey thing that sometimes gives me stomach ache when I see it "abused" by people who have avenues of funding and support that means they don't need to use crowd-sourcing.
However, Rios is Old School Call of Cthulhu enough that I couldn't resist helping out and helping myself to a first edition into the bargain. Besides, I have the other two companions, one of which was the second published accessory to Call of Cthulhu and such a high quality item it (along with Shadows of Yog Sothoth) changed my feelings about after-market publications for RPGs completely.
You'll find me in the backer's list in the publication, when it becomes available, under my web moniker "Roxysteve" (a name chosen during my AOL years when I found my first and last names were an unbelievably common combination in the western world).
If you are in there, shout out.
Visionaries should stick together.
Did you get to download it yet?
Whoops, didn't see this.
Everyone should know this project delivered flawlessly as far as I was concerned.
It is a terrific supplement too.
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