The idea is that a player will take several level-0 villagers on a coming-of-age adventure, after which (assuming they survive) they will be level-1 adventurers and get to select all kinds of new abilities.
But right now, all characters in the party are villagers, armed with loaves of bread or sacks of grain or ... well you get the picture.
The system uses the familiar D20 for most tests, but introduces a bunch of perhaps unfamiliar dice such as the d16 or d24, which will be supplied, along with paper and pencils, and pre-generated characters.
The Adventure:
The brothers Molan and Felan were two Chaos Lord champions.
Vicious and cunning beyond measure, and without a scrap of mercy in their war-hardened hearts, they led hordes of bestial humanoids to victory against the armies of good. With the spoils of their bloody campaigns, they raised a mighty keep and rained terror and violence down upon all in their demesne.
In the end, the brothers’ success was their undoing. Disparate forces of men, dwarves, and elves rallied together in a crusade against the wicked chaos lords. For thirty-nine days, the allies laid siege to the foul keep. And on the fortieth day, the captain of the elves dealt Felan a mortal blow.
Realizing that his own end was drawing near, Molan retreated into the ancient caves beneath the keep., never to be heard of again.
Then, as the armies of good laid waste to the keep, Molan gave up his mortal shell, commending his damned soul into the writhing limbs of the gods of Chaos.
Molan made only one request. When ages had passed, and the armies of good fell into disarray once more, he asked to return and lay waste to his ancient foes.
That time has come.
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